April 26, 2018In #PepSerraStreetwear we want to reward all #mothers and that is why if you make your purchases between April 27 and May 5 you will receive a gift!
For every purchase over € 50 we give you a scarf. Make your purchase online and use the promotion code #diadelamadre. When you make your purchase in your cart, a gift wrap will be added. You already know how to buy in #PepSerraStreetwear has a prize. Remember it!
This promotion is also valid at our physical points of sale in l'Escala, Tossa de Mar and Santa Coloma de Farners. Campaign valid until May 5.
The shops in l'Escala i Tossa de Mar will remain open on April 29 on May 1.
Striped shirts, gold buttons and navy blue are some of the basic …
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